US Domestic Shipping Policies

Last updated 4/29/14

FedEx Ground/Home Delivery:
Shipping time varies from 2-5 business days not counting the day it was shipped. FedEx Ground Home Delivery service delivers Tuesday through Saturday. To see transit time to your location CLICK HERE. Please understand that the 5 day transit time means one full week till your package is delivered. If you want it quicker, we suggest that you use FedEx Express Saver (3 Day Service).

FedEx 2Day:This service is usually 2 business days, but this is not guaranteed. Please note that the one day is for shipping transit time
, not counting the day it was shipped . It does not mean that your order will be processed the day it is received. If you have special time needs, please call us at (480) 834-3700 and we will be happy to discuss what accommodations we can make for you. Additional fees are required for Saturday delivery (where available)

FedEx Standard Overnight: This service is 1 business day. Please note that the one day is for shipping transit time. It does not mean that your order will be processed the day it is received. If you have special time needs, please call us at (480) 834-3700 and we will be happy to discuss what accommodations we can make for you. Additional fees are required for Saturday delivery

USPS Ground Advantage:
This method is good up to 13 ounces packed weight. Shipping transit times can vary greatly from 3 to 14 days. There is no delivery confirmation or tracking number or insurance. Please understand that we are NOT responsible for any loss or damage should you select this method of shipping. We are happy to offer the cheap service, but please understand its limitations.

USPS Priority Mail:
Shipping transit time is normally 2-3 business days, but that is not guaranteed by the post office. This method has a delivery confirmation number. This is not the same as a tracking number from FedEx. They do NOT always scan the package at every step of the way. In fact, many times they only scan it when it gets put on your local carrier's truck for final delivery. This means that when you "track" it you might not see any scans other than something like: The U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper on August 27, 2007 to expect your package for mailing.

USPS Priority Express Mail:
Shipping transit time is overnight to most places, normally arriving in 1-2 business days, This method has a delivery confirmation number. PLEASE NOTE: Transit time does NOT include the day it ships, and we do not ship at all on weekends. If you place your order after 2 PM on a Friday, you should not expect your order to arrive on Saturday. It won't ship until Monday, and you won't receive it until Tuesday.